Cedar Creek

​Membership Dues
Time to renew your $45 CCCA Membership dues for 2025. Remember, this is not an HSA but a community organization. All dues are used to maintain the public green spaces, to sponsor events, and to provide information impacting
Cedar Creek.
Dues can be paid by check, Venmo, or credit card. (There is a small fee for credit card use that is charged CCCA by the credit card companies and added to all charges. ) Click on the JOIN / Pay Membership button above for details and to make payments.
Donations are Accepted
A donation can be added in addition to your dues payment.
Join or Renew Now

CCCA Members attended the Annual Meeting on January 26th where, in addition to a free meal, with cookies, they heard presentations about crime on the Eastside of Athens and on residential and commercial development proposed for Gaines School Rd.
3/17 - St. Patrick's Day
4/1 - Mayor & Commissioner meet to vote on Cedar Ridge Development
Board Members Needed
The Board still needs a Secretary and Leaders for our social events. Send an email to the Board if you are interested or have questions:
The Secretary takes minutes at all Board meetings. Meetings occur one evening a month with some months skipped. Each meeting is about 2 hours long, and typically the Secretary spends another hour constructing a minutes report. The time commitment is small, interacting with and serving your neighborhood - priceless! Please consider volunteering for this job.
The Leader takes responsibility to plan and implement a community event with the help of Board members and volunteer recruits. CCCA currently hosts two events annually: the Community Yard Sale and the Fall Festival. Many experienced volunteers are there to help with these events. Co-Leads are allowed.

Board Members Martha Davis and Pete Nicholls ran the Fall Festival food table.

This new Cedar Creek Civic Association website is still in development.
Please be patient with us as we install and implement new features.
Our goal is to have a website that is easier to manage, more informative, easier to view on cell phones and tablets, and more attractive to you our members and to potential new members.
Current Happenings
3/13/2025 - The solar lighting kit recently purchased by the CCCA board has arrived. Next step is to obtain a permit to install the panel, battery box, wiring and light at the Ponderosa Dr entrance sign. In the meantime the sign will remain unlit.
3/11/2025 - Kenneth Portier, CCCA President attended and commented briefly at the final meeting of the ACC Future Land Use Strategic Plan committee. Meetings are planned for April and May where the public will have the opportunity to see the proposed land use map and comment on it. After public input, the final plan will be submitted to the Mayor and Commissioners for their input and eventual approval. Portier asked Planning Department personnel who lead these public meetings to include a description of how Land Use Classification differs from Zoning Classification, and how the two interact with each other to define how land is used in the county. We will include dates and locations of these public meetings and links to associated materials as they become available. Keep checking this space.
The proposed future land use classification for Cedar Creek subdivision and most of our surrounding neighborhoods as single family residential is not expected to change. The future land use classification of commercial properties along Gaines School Rd is proposed to be changed to minor corridor. A minor corridor identifies uses that would contain a mix of commercial and residential uses, and other compatible uses that can also serve adjacent neighborhoods. Commercial uses include main street storefront forms. Multi-family uses should front on these corridors or be a part of mixed-use development as a transition to adjacent neighborhoods. Multi-story buildings up to 4 stories oriented towards the street are expected. These corridors should be designed to support multi-modal transport.
President: Kenneth Portier
Vice President: Jack Dominey
Secretary: Position Open
Treasurer: Carolyn Portier Gorman
​Neighborhood Watch: Edie Roche
Traffic & Transportation: Pete Nicholls
Community & Government Affairs: Martha Davis
Landscape & Beautification: Dave Forker
Social Activities Lead(s): Activity Leads Needed
Membership Chair: Leslie Meyers
Editor of the Newsletter: Position Open
Website Management We have a Team!
2025 CCCA Board of Directors